Type: LCD, with bar graph; backlight standard
Display Digits: 5, 99,999 counts
Character Height: 16.7 mm (0.66")
Engineering Units: psi, inHg, inH2O, ftSW, Bar, mBar, kPa, mPa, mmHg, cmH2O, mmH2O, kg/cm2
Update Rate: Four Options; 10x/sec, 5x/sec, 2x/sec, 1x/sec
Dampening: Five Options; None, average 2, 4, 6, 8 readings
Language: Seven Languages; English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Dutch
Backlight: Five Options; on/off, 10 sec., 30 sec., 1 min., 5 min.
Zero Disable: Allows for disabling of Zero button
Contrast: Seven available options
Disable: Allows for “l(fā)ock-out” of CONFIG options
On/Off: Manually turns unit on and off
Backlight: Manually turns backlight on and off
Min/Max: Stores min. and max. values when displayed
Zero/Clear: Zeros display or clears min. and max. values when displayed
Enter: Selects items in configuration menu
Config: Configuration mode; allows scrolling through configuration menus to select available options