OMEGA @ strain gauges provide a variety of models covering most strain measurement applications. They are robust in structure and flexible in use, and are suitable for high precision static and dynamic measurements. The measuring grid is composed of constantan foil, which is completely sealed in a dielectric carrier composed of polyimide film. This linear strain gauge is used to measure unidirectional strain. They are usually used in experimental stress analysis applications. The strain gauge style is shown on the left side of the table below. Note that the arrow indicates the direction of the principal stress.
The linear style strain gauge provides a variety of styles and sizes. OMEGA provides small linear strain gauges for stress measurement in areas of stress concentration or high gradient. We also have wide or narrow grid styles, as well as small, medium or large styles. To determine whether the strain gauge has temperature characteristics that match with steel or aluminum, please see a column marked with "temperature compensation". "ST" means steel, "AL" means aluminum, and "UNC" means no compensation. See the "BTP" column for the model of the bindable wiring disc accessories.
The mesh length (A) and width (B) dimensions of strain gauges, as well as the length (C) and width (D) dimensions of substrates or carriers are listed in the table. Each style includes alignment triangle. All edges of the carrier or substrate material can be dressed in situ to within 0.25 mm of the foil mesh without affecting the performance of the strain gauge.